“Feelings are the basis for change.” Dr. Gertje Lathan

Since acient times it has been known that invisible and not directly accsessibly realms of reality can maybe contacted via certain methods.
Basicallly, for this it is necsessary to achieve a neutral inner attitude and to combine merely rational methods of information prosessing with ones willingness to also accept emotions as carries of informations. Fulfilling these prerequestes it becomes possible to directly and reproducably access hitherto completly unknown information which are hidden behind emotions.
The NATHAL Method offers a save and simple way to gain novel informations ready to be used in research and development and psychotherapy.

NATHAL® is a mental intuition training in which you learn to move in different levels of consciousness with full clarity and self-responsibility. During the exercises, the left and right hemispheres of the brain are synchronized, allowing you to use previously unused ways of thinking, feeling and healing that cannot be achieved with meditation alone. As with lucid dreaming, you learn to enter into a dialog with the transpersonal areas of your psyche during the training.

NATHAL® is a clearly structured, practice-oriented method for optimal personality and consciousness development that can help you to expand your personal potential and spiritual intelligence and thus better achieve your goals.

It is based on a combination of self-cultivation techniques: Visualization, relaxation and mindfulness exercises.


You will learn to use your feelings just as productively as reason to acquire knowledge. After a 5-day intensive training course, the method can be applied independently, and you can further deepen your experience in corresponding follow-up courses and special seminars.

The intention of NATHAL is, to help everyone access their intuition, new feelings and thus more joy and happiness in life.


Using intuition

The NATHAL® Method – briefly explained

The world of consciousness is only one part of being, the world of the unconscious is just as existent, but it eludes the concepts of logic, analysis and reason. It has its own logic, which is easier to grasp by means of analogy. Just as the brain has two hemispheres that work differently, there are two different ways of grasping reality.

According to C.G. Jung, the human being only becomes a whole, at peace with himself, productive and satisfied when he can reconcile the conscious and the unconscious or when both complement each other.

The NATHAL® method makes use of precisely this principle, it is a clearly structured method for expanding your personal potential, dissolving blockages and focusing on your goals.

NATHAL® is an easy-to-learn, secular mental training for personality and consciousness development, which was founded in 1980 by Dr. Gertje Lathan, psychologist and psychotherapist, and increases both our cognitive abilities, i.e. our mental perception and its further processing. The boundaries of neuroscience are constantly being expanded, our brain is enabled during the exercises of the NATHAL® method to grasp new knowledge in concrete terms and, even more importantly, to implement it pragmatically in everyday life.


NATHAL® activates intuition.

Genuine intuition is not the unconscious drawing from experience, but from a superior spiritual source. All great scientists, artists and philosophers who were imbued with inspiration have always drawn from this source and described it as something that transcends their own ego.

The state of consciousness required for this goes hand in hand with a synchronization of the brain hemispheres. This state arises in many people purely by chance, but with the NATHAL® method it can be specifically created and used. This happens without technical aids, but solely through mental training and within a very short time.

In the theta and delta states, the NATHAL® method leads you out of old patterns and shows participants new strategies and better ways of realizing their potential.

NATHAL® is one of the most effective methods you can learn to make better decisions, develop sustainable ideas and master the increasing complexity of our everyday lives. Awaken your intuitive and spiritual abilities to get targeted information from your unconscious knowledge store and establish more joie de vivre in your everyday life.

The aim of NATHAL® is to give everyone access to their intuition, new feelings and therefore more joy and happiness in life.


My offer for you:

NATHAL® Intensive training / Basic Training Seminar

NATHAL® Individual personal trainings

NATHAL® Advanced Trainings 1 – 9

NATHAL® Special seminars

NATHAL® Therapy – for psychogenic disorders

NATHAL® BUSINESS – New Work seminars for companies and institutions

NATHAL® ART and SCIENCE for scientific, artistic research projects

NATHAL® and Astrology


How do NATHAL® sessions work in practice?

All NATHAL® sessions have the same procedure:

Before each exercise, we have a brief introduction to the task or topic and an explanation of what the process will be like.
So you lie down or sit down comfortably and start your exercise, each of you individually and alone, because with NATHAL® you always will be able to be in your own freedom, in your own responsibility.

In the intensive seminar we do two exercises a day, one exercise takes about 1,5 hours plus debriefing in the group.

First, you visualize a fixed sequence of images in your mind’s eye:

A mental energy level is gradually built up, through which both hemispheres of the brain begin to work synchronously. This gradual build-up takes place by means of fixed and predetermined imaginative content (visualization content), which ensures that the participant does not get lost in “daydreaming” or their own (wishful) imaginings.

In particular, you visualize an inner guide, two beings, two figures that lead you through the exercises. However, these beings are not just an idea of you, they represent the overriding spiritual source. In this way, you learn to interact on a level that is “like you”, with whom you can speak normally. And the more trust you develop, the more feelings you can feel and the better the access to your spiritual potential, to your knowledge. This transfer of emotional intensity is a purely spiritual process.

We do not use any technical aids with NATHAL®. Brain hemispheric synchronicity is also established through this transmission – and you don’t have to do anything other than learn to navigate with it.

This is followed by targeted treatments, some of which can also be felt physically, which enable the participant to gain new knowledge in the first place – and to be able to apply this in real life.

In the NATHAL® exercises, this process is seen as a sequence of inner images.
In addition, you also experience physical sensations, e.g. energy sensations in the body, accelerated breathing and heartbeat, etc.
The experiences during the NATHAL® exercises are very diverse.

For example, practitioners experience themselves in their personal future and get to know previously unknown talents and abilities. Or they find themselves in everyday situations with partners, friends and colleagues. They recognize what is going on in others, why they act and react in previously incomprehensible ways. Many experience the feeling of being connected to everything, and what it means to be in harmony with oneself.

Of course, in order for the insights and feelings to be permanently anchored in your life, you will need to continue the exercises independently at home after the end of the seminar. Positive short-term effects are guaranteed in any case, but in the long term, as with everything, it’s all about practicing, practicing, practicing!

All of these experiences are always linked to the associated feelings, or are made possible by the feelings in the first place. These are the key to growing with the NATHAL® method, because knowledge is hidden behind feelings.


NATHAL® Intensive / Basic Training Seminar

teaches the basics of the NATHAL® method in 5 days with a total of 10 sessions/exercise units (energetic connection, methodical process, fixed rules, questioning techniques (Supra®-Dialog).

The intensive seminar is a compact introduction to the method for different areas of life. Starting with the process of connection, you will learn how to connect with your inner and outer field.

You will learn how to perceive the diverse images and information from your field and experience their meaning.

You will also learn to clarify questions or find out what really makes you happy and how you can strengthen your intuition.
Once you have a strong grasp of the individual steps and have developed a basic trust in the inner guidance, you can explore aspects of your own life and begin to derive practical, actionable ideas from it.
Following this, you will journey into foreign and unimaginable realms, where you are challenged to let yourself be guided even more effectively and respond with joy to everything new. No matter how bizarre these experiences may be, they are always related to your everyday challenges and can yield very practical results. Finally, you will explore your own future and gain insight into the potential you can realize and how to achieve it.

We will have 2 sessions a day, every session lasts 2 – 2,5h.

Further seminars always build on this basic seminar


Advanced F – Seminars and Special Trainings

Once you have completed the intensive training course, you can take part in the advanced seminars. The confidence you have gained in the intensive training will enable you to engage with increasingly challenging topics.

At the beginning there are topics that touch more comprehensively on various aspects of the near and distant future and your personal role in it. The subsequent seminars gradually deal with increasingly complex inner perceptions that have a deep impact on your inner experience and enable new feelings and insights into personal and superordinate relationships.

Advanced Courses

The NATHAL® advanced training courses build upon the skills learned in the basic training an upon each other. They provides a variety of subjects, like increased neutrality for the acquisition of new information, higher emotional capacity and stability, and activation of hidden talents. Experiences will often reach intensities that are deeply transformative and completely beyond imagination.

Advanced Level 1: Personal Future and Abilities

You will recognize and activate your personal unused abilities or be taught ways to activate them. These are always linked to character requirements, i.e. you will be confronted with your own weaknesses of character in the exercises. You have to say yes to have these treated and to train them away. In each exercise in which blockages are released or character flaws treated, you will always experience the positive feelings that should always have been there instead.

The implementation of new skills will be perceived as highly gratifying, which in turn will motivate you to implement them in everyday life. This can concern your personal environment, your job, your hobbies, your social engagement, or any other area.

Duration: 4 days

Advanced Level 2: Future Working Methods

You will learn to systematically gather information from higher sources for your job, profession, or other projects. You will also practice emotional neutrality, so that the result is not distorted by your own preconceived ideas. This aspect is extremely important for dealing with any kind of news. As always, the information comes from the highest source and is perfectly suited for you. The seminar will be concluded with a group project.

Duration: 4 days

Advanced trainings 1 and 2 are usually offered together as a block of 8 days.

Advanced Level 3: New Colors and Music

Even if the title may appear trivial, the program of this seminar blows all standards of beauty that you have ever felt from sensual experience with colors and music.

The exercises have nothing to do with sound or music therapy, but with feelings made through inner sensation (i.e. without external stimuli, there is no music played in the room). Colors and music are a hitherto insufficiently understood method of transfer for information, health, and energy. The reactions of brain and body to these transfers cannot be classified by science so far. Feelings of happiness are the strongest physical and psychological motivator and healing agent. And yet, no matter how abstract and beautiful the experiences get, they are always related to specific issues of your life.

Duration: 4 days

Advanced Level 4: Thermic Sensations

Simply put, this course is about increasing your emotional capacity. Warmth and cold sensations in the body, or in certain areas of the body, allow you to „endure“ higher intensities or contemplate content that would otherwise be difficult to cope with, emotionally. Finally, you can be exposed to higher cosmic energies and experience intense physical treatments. The result is an overall increase of psychological and energetic stability, the prerequisite of all other advanced trainings.

Duration: 4 days

Advanced trainings 3 and 4 are usually offered together as a block of 8 days.

Advanced Level 5: Travels to Past and Future

You systematically travel through near and far past and future. You draw new knowledge from old experiences, but also anticipate future developments (of your own person and the world) and integrate them into your own life. You will reach up to 1000 years into the future!

Duration: 4 days

Advanced Level 6: New Scents and Contacts

The sense of smell is one of the most primitive and (especially in the Western world) weakest senses that humans have. The sensations that smells can trigger are correspondingly intense. There are no odors present in the room, you will perceive them internally. These smells enable contacts to highly evolved beings, both from future earth and beyond. This also includes highly evolved humans who can be perceived in the seminar room and allows an energy transfer.

Duration: 4 days

Advanced trainings 5 and 6 are usually offered together as a block of 8 days.

Advanced Level 7+: Special Experiments

For these seminars you must have worked thoroughly on your personality and have truly mastered and understood the NATHAL® method. This ensures that you remain psychologically stable and have no tendency left that would lead to a destructive use of your mental abilities. If you are ready, I will be happy to introduce you to the highlights of seminars 7 to 9! Exercises are about highest energies, neutrality, feelings of happiness, spatial displacements, materialization, and the transfer of consciousness to other aspects of reality.

Special Courses

NATHAL® special trainings concern specific subjects of everyday or professional life. They can be attended directly after basic training.

Healthcare and Healers

The „healer“ seminars are mainly designed for people with a healing professions, i.e. doctors, alternative practitioners, psychological therapists, nurses and geriatric nurses…. However, you can also attend them if you are simply interested in the subject matter or the topic of „spiritual healing“ in general. The larger part of the exercises concerns „sweeping one’s own doorstep“, i.e. to eliminate character flaws which hinder one’s own proficiency as a healer (and generally in dealing with fellow human beings). Neutrality is practiced. This involves not judging a patient’s condition according to one’s own preconceived notions or „favorite diagnosis,“ but rather grasping and treating the patient intuitively and telepathically in his or her whole being. Likewise, you will learn to bear with equanimity the possibility of failure of your own efforts with a patient, as well as understand that not yourself or the medication administered, but the patient himself is the primary cause of any healing process. Of course, we also practice directing subtle healing energies to another person. You will practice this on each other in the seminar. The conclusion of the NATHAL® Healer Training is that it is not the technical skills of the doctor or therapist that are decisive, but his ethical attitude.

Duration: Healer 1: 8 days, Healer 2: 5 days

Cell Regeneration

A positive attitude and joy in life is the best guarantee for health and longevity. The seminar „Cell Regeneration“ raises this principle to higher intensities of feelings and energetic treatments that will far outshine your previous conception of „positive“. First, you will work on blockades and reasons why the necessary joy of life could not arise so far. Once these conditions are created, energies and feelings can be experienced that have a restorative and regenerative effect in the body down to the cellular and genetic level. In the exercises, these energies are experienced as an „inner light“, and they bring about a long-term improvement of all physical regulatory mechanisms and of the body’s intelligence as a whole. Your cells will emerge from these 5 days with an increased vital energy that will affect all aspects of your health and daily life.      Duration: 5 days


NATHAL® allows to deepen every imaginable (and unimaginable) topic. In this seminar you will experience a spiritual and emotional preparation for the contact with extraterrestrial biological entities – E.B.E.s. Although the evidence for the presence of higher evolved extraterrestrial life on earth is virtually overwhelming, only few people take it seriously. After this seminar you will understand that this is not due to malicious intentions (even with actors on government level), but the deep-seated inability to deal with the emotions that the realization of their existence triggers in humans. We are confronted with our self-preservation instincts and deep-seated fears that bring us to the limits of our psychic, energetic and ethical comprehension. In the exercises you will be led by your spiritual guidance into progressively more complex situations where you will be challenged to reflect on these aspects and feelings in a real contact with extraterrestrials. One of the most difficult insights to cope with is that the alien intelligences are superior to us in every respect – technologically, psychically, spiritually, and ethically – and therefore not the humans but the E.B.E.s set the standards according to which a contact takes place. One is challenged to voluntarily allow oneself to be controlled by others and to receive orders and treatments whose purpose one does not necessarily understand, but which are extraordinarily beneficial and enriching. Once this inner hurdle is overcome, feelings can be experienced that transcend anything one assumed to know about the subject. With a positive kind of resignation, we can then accept explanations about their immensely positive nature, and our own not-so-important-after-all place in the universe. This also includes the vanishing of all fear and concerns and the realization that negative experiences sometimes reported by so-called abductees are mostly based on a lack of emotional insight into the rights and nature of the aliens, and not on negative intentions. As always, the contents are selected by the spiritual guidance. This guarantees both exclusively positive contacts, and a concrete reference to your everyday life for each exercise. This can include balancing insufficiently developed character traits, as well as developing new skills and answering personal questions of meaning.

Foreign Cultures

This course allows you to acquire knowledge about your foreign colleagues, neighbors, or partner on a very intimate level. You will literally feel the inner attitude of other cultures and social environments in a way that creates complete understanding for their „strange“ behaviour. The result is a higher tolerance and non-judgemental attitude towards these people and better relationships. The results go well beyond everything attainable with conventional intercultural trainings!

Duration: 5 days


Concentration and Memory

Increase of memory performance is a side effect of NATHAL training per se – memory works through emotions! However, much higher levels of performance can be attained if specifically trained. The curriculum of this course includes excercises for short term memory, recollection of „forgotten“ events, and the ability to remember items that do not trigger particular interest.  Duration: 5 days


FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions About NATHAL

Who can learn NATHAL? Are there any restrictions regarding occupational group or age?

No. NATHAL does not require any particular life experience or intellectual ability. It can be taught to children as young as 6 years old. The method is universally compatible, it does not make any external requirements to anything.

What are the requirements to start the training?

The only real requirement is the ability to visualize. Beyond that, it helps to have an open mind and a positive attitude, or at least the desire to develop it.

My visualizations are choppy and vague. Will that be enough training?

Yes. There are different types of visualizers. Some people see inner images as clearly as e.g. a lucid dream and have an inner perception of space. Others describe it more as „I know the image is there, but only vaguely.“ Both types (and all grey levels in between) will work for NATHAL.

Only few people have true aphantasia „see“ nothing at all. Even those cases can work with NATHAL if guided in individual sessions.

How is the training structured?

During the five days of NATHAL® basic training, we make two full sessions each day, including pre- and debriefing. In between, we do an extended lunch break which you should use to rest or sleep.

All subsequent courses follow the same structure, just with different topics.

How does NATHAL differ from other methods of synchronizing the brain hemispheres?

NATHAL does not use any technical aids and the quality of synchronicity is unprecedented. It spans all spectrums of brain waves (alpha, beta, gamma, theta) and requires an amazingly small amount of own action and prior knowledge.


How does NATHAL differ from other methods in the field of personal development?

NATHAL begins where other paths end. We have been keeping this promise since 1980, guaranteed by the connection to the superior source and the professional and personal guidance that each participant receives. NATHAL creates access to new feelings that are the guarantee that each participant can go beyond the scope of what they thought was possible.

If it is around since 1980, why is NATHAL not wider known?

Because NATHAL has never made any compromise to quality in favor of quantity, and it will remain thus! For 30 years, only Gertje Lathan and her husband alone taught the method. Becoming a NATHAL® teacher takes many years of practice and a thorough understanding of NATHAL®’s higher purpose. The personality that goes this way must have extinguished all desires for personal importance, i.e. he or she must have no tendency to abuse their position and become a “guru” and create personal dependence. The method comes first!

Is NATHAL dependent on a teacher?

The emotional connection to the Original Source can only be established by an initiated teacher. The handling of this contact must then be practiced and consolidated. Afterwards, the exercises can be carried out by the graduate at any time on his or her own, without further transmission of energy.

I already have the connection to the original source. What else can NATHAL offer me?

The Original Source is an infinite energy potential that realizes infinite creativity. Even though ultimately every human being is connected to it and for many it is only forgotten or buried, our experience shows that participants who are very skilled and advanced in their own discipline and method even benefit all the more. In the exercises new feelings are received, and they ALWAYS exceed what one has already realized for oneself. It is not possible to be underchallenged, each participant receives from the source the dose of energy and feelings for which he or she can cope.

I have been meditating or using other mental techniques for my spiritual development for many years. If I learn NATHAL, do I have to give that up?

NATHAL is compatible with any kind of mental or spiritual/religious practice. In order to learn and practice the method, it is essential that you set aside your usual paths for a bit, otherwise the desired new neural pathways cannot form. In any case, the mental discipline and calmness acquired through years of practice is a factor that greatly facilitates the entry into NATHAL and leads to faster results.



I have no previous experience in mental techniques, mediation, etc. Is NATHAL still suitable for me?

The advantage of the „uninitiated“ is the impartiality with which the process is started. The measure of success of NATHAL is overcoming personal limitations. There is no external specification how this process has to look like or on which level it has to start, all experiences and feelings are controlled and dosed by the original source itself. NATHAL allows this process in unimaginable speed (i.e. within a few days) and precision (practicability in everyday life).

Is NATHAL a worldview or dependent on one?

No, NATHAL is compatible with any kind of worldview or religion. However, personal values must allow for a development beyond what is imaginable, which can also lead to the questioning of previous religious or moral ideas about man and his place in the world. However, this is a natural process that occurs in everyone’s life and is merely accelerated by NATHAL.

The best results are achieved by participants whose personal philosophy promotes courage and open-mindedness to novelty, and which grants a reality to transcendence.

Is NATHAL a healing method?

This question has two aspects: First, people in any kind of healing professions can use the NATHAL method to deepen their therapeutic skills and perform treatments through spiritual projection. We offer special seminars for this purpose.

Secondly, the process undergone in NATHAL training is per se highly healing, psychically as well as physically. For the treatment of specific personal problems, we recommend booking individual sessions.

Is NATHAL also offered as online training?

No! NATHAL can only be learned in the physical presence of the trainer. NATHAL is about the conveyence of new emotions and it requires intense personal feedback to learn the inner dialogue. Everyone who has experience with video conferences knows that the level of personal interaction is very limited. Even in a business context, this is often not enough. For NATHAL it would be such a drop in quality that the very essence of the method is lost. Participants agree after the training that what is conveyed could never be done remotely!